Dutch NT2 B1-B2

Nederlands op niveau
Dutch B1-B2 advanced

Per completed unit 11 lessons of 2.5 hours each. The class times are from 19:00 to 21:30 hours, with a break halftime.

3.1 (B1) chapters 1-2  | September to December 2024
3.2 (B1+) chapters 3-4  | January to April 2025
3.3 (B2) chapters 5-6  | September to December 2025

Open Day
We recommend visiting the Open Dag on 7 September 2024. You can get acquainted with the teacher(s) and the teaching material and you can get advice in which class (which level) to start. Click this button for actual information about our Open Day.

Practical information
Subscribe: Subscribe Dutch NT2 B1-B2 N
Dutch NT2 B1-B2 starts Monday 30 September 2024 at 19.00 hours.
Book: Nederlands op niveau book + website. ISBN 978 90 4690 4411.
Van Dale pocketwoordenboek Nederlands als tweede taal (NT2) ISBN 978 94 6077 5680.

You can order the book for example at Intertaal after that you choose for VU Alkmaar.
Attention: Only order book(s) after you have received an email confirming that the course will take place.

Price: The course price is € 750,- for  33 lessons of 2.5 hours each. It will be collected in 3 installments in September ’24, January, and September ’25
Location: O.S.G. Willem Blaeu, Robonsbosweg 11, 1816 MK Alkmaar.
Teacher: Mw. Joeke Spierings